Sultan Telecom

Sultan Telecom Corporate Profile

✅ Completed Project

Project Brief:

This project was to create a modern looking corporate profile that spoke to the cutting edge technology solutions & services that the company provides, but to also keep true to its heritage and what their loyal customer base have come to expect. It's not always easy bringing a more modern style into a company's branding collateral but I do rest easy in believing that this end result has not only satisfied the client but their loyal customer base who have already come to know the brand for what it is.

Scope of Work:

  1. To provide two versions of the corporate profile (1 with financial pitch for investors/banks and 1 for informational and sales purposes)
  2. To provide a corporate profile that resonates and translates the mission, vision and branding into an aesthetically pleasing document
  3. Using modern design trends and media
  4. Custom designing financial charts and graphs to accompany the financial workbook

Project Details:

The difficulty in this project was to create something more modern without changing their historic logo. This logo has been with the company for quite some time and the stakeholders involved were adamant that right now was not the time to update their logo as that would require a complete overhaul of the branding. The corporate profile however, was the introduction to this to ease their clients into the more modern and future-tech style of branding that the client had in mind.

As you can tell, the logo itself presented a unique choice of colours of Orange & Dark blue. I believe that any colours can work together to provide the right message as long as they are blended together properly and combined with different shades of the colours. This is not a rule of thumb, but generalization I  always like to begin my work with.

Playing with each one and their shades (of course in an absence of a branding guideline) to achieve a cutting edge feel. As you will notice that there is a heavy reliance on using white backgrounds to keep the content looking fresh, whilst I used faded black colours for more straight edge items such as the text. I used the orange colours to accent and break monotony as the blacks and navy blues can seemingly blend into looking like the same colour over extended time viewing such a document.

The typography presented us with an interesting problem. As the logo used two different styles of fonts. Which left me less room for creativity under the time pressure available to complete this project in time.

So we opted for a Lato Bold and Lato Light combination for the headings. Similar enough to the logo in style but different when it comes to the way it displays. I used Lato for it's straight forward characteristics but also for a clean edge look. The body also used Lato, as per the client's request. However, I originally used Roboto Regular as my font of choice.

At the end, the client loved the final piece as feedback from new and loyal clients has been excellent.

Project Images:

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